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10£Every monthAccess to all videosÂ- Fried Liver
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10£ÂAccess to all Dynamic CoursesÂ- Tactics
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30£ÂAccess to the opening + add-onsÂ- Italian
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20£ÂAccess to all Endgame CoursesÂ- Pawn Endgames
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25£ÂAccess to the openings used by English Super-GM, Gawain JonesÂ- Sicilian Dragon
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25£ÂAccess to the openings used by the French Super-GM, Maxime Vachier-LagraveÂ- Najdorf
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25£ÂAccess to the openings used by the former World Champion, Bobby FischerÂ- Najdorf
- King's-Indian
50£ÂAccess to the openings used by the former World Champion, Garry KasparovÂ- Najdorf
- Dragon
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1.e4 Club Repertoire
35£ÂPerfect for club players looking for a reliable, easy to learn repertoireÂ- Fried Liver
- Evans Gambit
- Italian Sidelines
- Morra Gambit
- French: Milner-Barry Gambit
- Caro-Kann: Tal Variation
- Caro-Kann: Botvinnik Variation
1.e4 Minor Openings
45£ÂComplete your White Repertoire with this bundleÂ- Scandinavian
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- Pirc
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1.e4 Master Repertoire
80£ÂPerfect for ambitious players looking to reach master levelÂ- Open Sicilian I
- Open Sicilian II
- Open Sicilian III
- Ruy Lopez I
- Ruy Lopez II
- Ruy Lopez III
- French: Paulsen Variation
- Caro-Kann: Short Variation
- Caro-Kann: Botvinnik Variation
55£ÂAccess to the opening + add-onsÂ- King's-Indian
- Orthodox Variation
- Glek Variation
- Kavalek Variation
- Benjamin Variation
- Ulhmann Variation
- Debrecen Variation
- Benoni Variation
- Hazai Variation
- Bronstein Variation
70£ÂAccess to the opening + add-onsÂ- Najdorf
- Scheveningen Najdorf
- Anti-English Attack
- Gelfand Variation
- Delayed Poisoned Pawn
- Kasparov Variation
- Polugaevsky Variation
- Verbeterde List
- Fischer Variation
- Sakaev Variation
- Giorgadze Variation
- Loginov Variation
- Delgado Ramirez Variation
- Firouzja Variation
80£ÂAccess to the opening + add-onsÂ- Sicilian Dragon
- Dragodorf
- Dragnikov
- Accelerated Dragon
- Hungarian Dragon
- Chinese Dragon
- Topalov Variation
- Gufeld Variation
- Bjerring Variation
- Socko Variation
- Ward Variation
- Fedorov Variation
85£ÂAccess to the opening + add-onsÂ- Grünfeld
- Jansa Variation
- Fette Variation
- Svidler Variation
- Landau Variation
- Ftacnik Variation
- Prins Variation
- Smyslov Variation
- Szabo Variation
- Grischuk Variation
- Bok Variation
- Gadia Variation
- Alekhine Variation
- Witt Variation
- Popov Variation
- Akobian Variation
- Khenkin Variation
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